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Helpful Tips of the Week
The short answer is no. There are many remotes that call themselves “universal”. However, no one remote will work on all garage doors or gates. This is because each manufacturer uses different frequencies and technologies such as Security+ and Multicode. Remotes such as the Clicker Universal CLT1 is an example. The current version, CLT1D, works on about 90% of garage doors and gates. However, it does not support Intellicode, SecureCode, or MegaCode systems.
My remote is not functioning properly. What can I do?
On average, a visor or key-chain remote has a distance of about 3-5 car lengths. If your remote is not working under this distance, here are some things that you can try:
- Insert a new battery into your remote control. A weak battery is the leading cause of poor signal reach in your garage door remote.
- Make sure that there is nothing between the remote and the receiver. Often, the signal will lose strength when passing through the body of a car.
- Clear the receiver and then reset your remote control. This information is usually available in the product manual which can be found on the product pages or via the manufacturer’s website.
- Try removing your pushbutton wires from your garage door motor to see if your wireless range improves. Occasionally, interference from power lines will cause this issue.
- Interference might also come from television or CCTV cable, cable amplifiers, fluorescent lights, surge protectors, battery charging units, and anything that uses a timer such as sprinkler systems, alarm systems, and lights.
- If none of the above reccomendations work, you might have a dead remote. We offer a wide selection of replacement remotes. If you can not find the remote that you are looking for, we will be happy to special order it for you.
See more tips like these on our FAQ page.

We keep a large stock of all major brands of garage and gate products from all of the leading manufacturers. However, if you cannot find the door product that you are looking for, let us know at and we will try our best to special order it for you. If you have questions about how to find the correct garage transmitter or part, we have a helpful Frequently Asked Question's page as well as free technical support on all products that we carry. We also have a growing collection of articles with safety information, helpful guides, and product information available in our Helpful Articles Section.
